Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Disassembly (Fig. 108)
Remove oil from lift cylinder into a drain pan by slowly
Assembly (Fig. 108)
1.  Make sure all parts are clean before reassembly.
pumping the cylinder  shaft. Plug both ports and  clean
the outside of the cylinder.
ring and dust seal with clean hydraulic oil.
Coat new  O–rings, piston  seal, rod seal,  back–up
IMPORTANT: Prevent  damage when  clamping the
hydraulic cylinder into  a vise; clamp on the  clevis
A.  Install piston seal and O–ring to the piston.
B.  Install dust seal, O–ring, back–up ring  and dust
seal to the head.
Mount lift cylinder in  a vise. Use of a  vise with soft
jaws is recommended.
IMPORTANT: Do  not  clamp vise  jaws against  the
shaft surface. Clamp on the clevis ONLY.
Carefully remove collar with a pipe wrench.
Mount shaft securely in a vise by clamping on the cle-
Remove plugs from  ports. Extract shaft,  head and
piston by carefully twisting and pulling on the shaft.
vis of the shaft.
A.  Coat shaft with clean hydraulic oil.
IMPORTANT: Do  not  clamp vise  jaws against  the
shaft surface. Clamp on the clevis ONLY.
B.  Slide head onto the shaft taking care to not dam-
age the  seals. Install  rod seal  onto shaft and  into
vis of the shaft. Remove nut and piston from the shaft.
Slide head off the shaft.
Mount shaft securely in a vise by clamping on the cle-
C. Install piston onto the shaft and secure with nut.
D. Remove shaft from the vise.
Remove piston seal and O–ring from the piston. Re-
move O–ring, back–up ring, rod seal and dust seal from
the head.
IMPORTANT: Prevent  damage when  clamping the
hydraulic cylinder into  a vise; clamp on the  clevis
draulic oil. Carefully slide piston, shaft and head assem-
bly into the barrel being careful not to damage the seals.
Mount barrel in a vise.
Coat all internal parts  with a light coat of  clean hy-
Install collar using a pipe wrench to secure head  in
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
Page 4 – 95
Hydraulic System
Product Specification
CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
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