Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Service and Repairs
General Precautions for Removing and Installing Hydraulic System Components
Before Repair or Replacement of Components
Before removing any  parts from the  hydraulic sys-
tem, park machine on a level  surface, engage parking
brake, lower cutting deck  (or implement) and stop en-
gine. Remove key from the ignition switch.
6.  Put clean caps  or plugs on any hydraulic lines, hy-
draulic fittings and components left open or exposed to
prevent contamination. Cap the opening as soon as line
or port is exposed.
After Repair or Replacement of Components
Thoroughly clean machine before disconnecting, re-
1.  Check oil level in the hydraulic tank and add correct
oil if necessary. Use only hydraulic fluids specified in Op-
erator’s  Manual.  Drain  and refill  hydraulic  tank  and
change oil filter if component failure was severe or sys-
tem is contaminated (see Flush Hydraulic System in this
moving  or disassembling  any hydraulic  components.
Make sure hydraulic components,  hoses, connections
and fittings are cleaned thoroughly. Always keep in mind
the  need for  cleanliness  when  working on  hydraulic
hoses for proper installation after repairs are completed.
Put  labels  on   disconnected  hydraulic  lines  and
2.  Lubricate O–rings and seals with clean hydraulic oil
before installing hydraulic components.
Note the position of hydraulic fittings (especially el-
3.  Make sure caps or plugs are  removed from the hy-
draulic tubes, hydraulic fittings and components before
bow fittings) on hydraulic components before removal.
Mark parts if necessary to make sure they will be aligned
properly when reinstalling hydraulic fittings, hoses and
Use proper tightening  methods when installing hy-
draulic hoses and fittings (see General Information sec-
proper adjustment, binding or broken parts.
After repairs,  check control  linkages or  cables for
Before disconnecting or performing any work  on
the hydraulic system,  all pressure in  the system
must be relieved. See Relieving Hydraulic System
Pressure in the General Information section.
After disconnecting or replacing any hydraulic com-
ponents, operate  machine functions slowly  until air is
out of system (see Charge Hydraulic System in this sec-
and removing hydraulic system components.
Hydraulic oil may be hot. Be careful when loosening
rect leaks if necessary. Check oil level in hydraulic tank
and add correct oil if necessary.
Check for hydraulic oil leaks. Shut off engine and cor-
Check Hydraulic Lines and Hoses
Check hydraulic lines and hoses daily for leaks, kinked
lines,  loose  mounting  supports, wear,  loose  fittings,
weather deterioration and chemical deterioration. Make
any necessary repairs before operating equipment.
Keep body and hands away from pin hole leaks
or nozzles that  eject hydraulic fluid under  high
pressure. Use paper or cardboard, not hands, to
search for leaks. Hydraulic fluid escaping under
pressure can have  sufficient force to penetrate
the skin and  cause serious injury.  If fluid is  in-
jected  into  the skin,  it  must  be  surgically re-
moved within  a few  hours by a  doctor familiar
with this type of injury. Gangrene may result from
such an injury.
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
Page 4 – 43
Hydraulic System
Product Specification
CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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