Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Electrical System Quick Checks
Battery Test (Open Circuit Test)
Use a multimeter to measure  the voltage between the
battery terminals.
Voltage Measured
Battery Charge Level
Fully charged (100%)
75% charged
V (or higher)
Set  multimeter  to the  DC  volts  setting.  The  battery
should  be at  a temperature  of  60o to  100oF  (16o to
50% charged
oC). The ignition key should be off and all accessories
25% charged
turned off.  Connect the positive  (+) meter lead  to the
positive battery post and the negative (–) meter lead to
the negative battery post. Measure and record the bat-
tery voltage. Use the chart at right to determine charge
level of battery.
0% charged
NOTE:  This test provides a relative condition of the bat-
tery. Load testing  of the battery will  provide additional
and more accurate information.
Charging System Test
This is a simple test used to determine if a charging sys-
tem is functioning. It will tell you if the charging system
has an output, but not its capacity.
Start the  engine  and run  at high  idle  (3200 to  3250
RPM). Allow the battery to charge for at least 3 minutes.
Record the battery voltage.
Tool required: Digital multimeter set to DC volts.
After running the engine for at least 3 minutes,  battery
voltage should be at least 0.50 volt higher than initial bat-
tery voltage.
Test instructions:  Connect the  positive (+)  multimeter
lead to  the positive  battery post and  the negative  (–)
multimeter lead to the negative  battery post. Keep the
test leads connected to the battery posts and record the
battery voltage.
Example of a charging system that is functioning:
At least 0.50 volt over initial battery voltage.
NOTE:  Upon starting  the engine, the  battery voltage
will drop and then  should increase once the  engine is
Initial Battery Voltage
Battery Voltage after 3 Minute Charge
= 12.30 v
= 12.85 v
= +0.55 v
NOTE:  Depending upon  the condition  of  the battery
charge and  battery temperature, the charging  system
voltage will  increase  at different  rates as  the battery
Glow Plug System Test
This is a fast, simple test that can help to determine the
integrity and operation of the Groundsmaster glow plug
system. The  test should be  run anytime hard  starting
(cold  engine)   is   encountered  on   a  diesel   engine
equipped with a glow plug system.
Set the multimeter to the correct scale. With the ignition
switch in the  OFF position, place the  ammeter pickup
around the main glow plug power supply wire and read
the meter prior to activating the glow plug system. Adjust
the meter to read zero (if applicable). Activate the glow
plug system and record the multimeter results.
Tool(s) required: Digital multimeter and/or inductive
Ammeter (AC/DC Current Transducer).
The  glow plug  system  on Groundsmaster  7200  and
machines should have a reading of approximately
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
Test instructions: Properly connect the ammeter to the
digital multimeter (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
Electrical System
Page 5 – 8
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CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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