Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

necessary, remove gear pump from  transmission (see
Gear Pump Removal in this section).
oil filter from transmission. Discard filter. If
14.On both sides of transmission, remove retaining ring
that secures  pump control rod  end onto  transmission
control arm (Fig. 36). Slide control rod from control arm.
NOTE:  Two (2)  8 mm  eyebolts can  be installed  into
threaded bosses in top of transmission to  allow use of
a lift or hoist to remove transmission (Fig. 37).
15.If hydraulic fittings are to be removed from transmis-
sion, mark fitting orientation to allow correct assembly.
Remove hydraulic fittings from transmission as needed.
Discard fitting O–rings.
16.Inspect flywheel housing and coupler on engine fly-
wheel for evidence of wear or damage.
Support transmission assembly when removing
it from the flywheel housing to prevent it from fal-
ling and causing personal injury.
Transmission Installation (Fig. 35)
1.  Make sure that flywheel coupler and flywheel hous-
ing are secure on engine (see Engine Installation in the
Service and Repairs section of Chapter 3 – Kubota Die-
sel Engine).
Remove seven (7) cap screws and lock washers that
secure the transmission to  the flywheel housing. Note
location  of the  shorter  cap  screw for  assembly  pur-
If hydraulic fittings were removed from transmission,
lubricate and  install new O–rings  to fittings. Install  fit-
tings  into  transmission  ports   (see  Hydraulic  Fitting
Installation in  the General  Information section  of  this
chapter). Tighten  fittings to torque values  identified in
Figure 38).
IMPORTANT: Make  sure to  not damage the  trans-
mission, flywheel housing, hydraulic lines,  electri-
harness   or    other   parts    while   removing
gear pump (see Gear Pump Installation in this section).
If gear pump was removed from transmission, install
machine and away from the flywheel housing and cou-
pler on engine flywheel. Lift transmission from machine.
transmission assembly toward the front of the
Slide both pump control rods onto transmission con-
trol arms and secure with retaining rings (Fig. 36).
and note location of two (2) dowel pins from
transmission and flywheel housing.
58 to 72 ft–lb
(79 to 97 N–m)
to 74 ft–lb
to 100 N–m)
to 74 ft–lb
35 to 43 ft–lb
(48 to 58 N–m)
to 100 N–m)
to 11 ft–lb
13 to 15 N–m)
81 to 99 ft–lb
(110 to 134 N–m)
35 to 43 ft–lb
(48 to 58 N–m)
58 to 72 ft–lb
(79 to 97 N–m)
20 to 26 ft–lb
(28 to 35 N–m)
Figure 38
Hydraulic System
Page 4 – 54
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
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CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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