Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Traction Circuit (Closed Loop) Component Failure
The traction system on Groundsmaster 7200 and 7210
machines  consists of  two  identical  and independent
closed loop traction  circuits. If a  component in one  of
these traction circuits (e.g. wheel motor or transmission
piston pump) should fail, debris and contamination from
the failed component will circulate throughout the trac-
tion circuit. This contamination can damage other com-
ponents in the circuit so it must be removed to prevent
additional component failure.
Once the filter  has been placed  in the traction  circuit,
place the machine on jack stands and operate the trac-
tion circuit to allow oil flow through the circuit. With the
machine raised  off the ground,  the traction circuit  will
have maximum  oil flow at  minimum pressure to  mini-
mize damage from  any remaining contamination. The
filter will  remove  contamination from  the closed  loop
traction circuit during operation. Remove the filter from
the  machine after  contamination  has  been removed
from the traction circuit.
If a component failure occurs in one of the traction  cir-
cuits, it is critical to disassemble, drain and  thoroughly
clean  the  entire  traction  circuit  (transmission  piston
pump, hydraulic hoses  and wheel motor). This  proce-
dure will ensure that all contamination is removed from
the circuit. If any debris remains in the traction circuit and
the machine is operated, the debris can cause addition-
al component failure.
IMPORTANT: When  operating the  traction system
with the  high  pressure filter  installed, make  sure
that flow is always directed through the filter (e.g. do
not move the traction levers in the reverse direction
if the  filter is placed for  forward direction flow).  If
flow is reversed, debris from the filter will re–enter
the traction circuit.
An additional step for removing  all traction circuit con-
tamination would be to  temporarily install a high pres-
sure hydraulic oil filter (see Special Tools) into the circuit.
The filter could be used when connecting hydraulic test
gauges in order to test traction circuit components or af-
ter replacing  a  failed traction  circuit component  (e.g.
wheel motor or transmission piston pump). The filter will
ensure that contaminates are removed from the closed
loop and thus, do not cause additional component dam-
Hydraulic System
Page 4 – 8
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
Product Specification
CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
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