Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Install dowel pins in body.
IMPORTANT: When  clamping the  pump in  a vise,
clamp  only  on mounting  flange.  DO  NOT  clamp
pump body in a vise.
IMPORTANT: Do  not  dislodge  O–rings,  pressure
seals or back–up rings during final assembly.
shaft end down.
mounting flange of  pump in a  vise with the
marker lines  for proper  location.  Firm hand  pressure
should be sufficient to engage the dowel pins.
slide the back plate onto the assembly using
15.Alternately torque the socket head screws 220 in–lb
Place thin sleeve or  tape on pump shaft  splines to
prevent seal damage.
16.If  implement relief  valve  was removed  from back
plate, install relief  valve. Torque relief valve 220  in–lb
the pump with back plate downwards. Care-
fully slide the front plate onto the assembly using marker
lines for proper location.  Take care to not damage the
seal during  front plate  installation. Remove sleeve  or
tape from shaft splines.
17.Put a  small amount  of hydraulic oil  in inlet  port of
pump and rotate input shaft one revolution. Place cou-
pler on input  shaft and use pliers  on coupler to rotate
pump shaft. If input shaft binds, disassemble pump and
repeat assembly process.
the  four (4)  socket  head  screws with  lock
washers and hand tighten.
pump from vise.
Hydraulic System
Page 4 – 82
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
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CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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