Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

Fuel Stop Solenoid
The  fuel  stop solenoid  used  on  the  Groundsmaster
must be energized for  the diesel engine to
run. The solenoid is mounted to the  injection pump on
the engine (Fig. 35).
The fuel stop solenoid includes two coils for operation:
the pull coil and the hold coil. When the ignition switch
is turned to START, the fuel stop solenoid is initially ener-
gized and  the  pull coil  retracts the  solenoid  plunger.
Once the plunger is retracted, the hold coil will keep it re-
tracted for continued engine operation. When the sole-
noid is de–energized, the plunger extends to shut off fuel
supply to the engine causing the engine to stop running.
The fuel stop solenoid is grounded through the solenoid
Figure 35
The Standard Control Module Run output LED will be il-
luminated when the fuel stop solenoid hold coil is ener-
Fuel stop solenoid
Harness connector
NOTE:  Refer to Chapter 8  – Foldout Diagrams  when
troubleshooting the fuel stop solenoid.
In Place Testing
NOTE:  Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter, short the test leads together. The me-
ter  will display  a  small resistance  value (usually  0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
from the measured value of the component you are test-
Figure 36
Fuel stop solenoid
Pull coil terminal
Hold coil terminal
Make sure ignition switch is in the OFF position. Dis-
connect wire harness connector from fuel stop solenoid.
Using a digital multimeter, touch one test lead to the
pull coil terminal and the other test lead to the fuel stop
solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 36). The resistance of the
pull coil should be less than 1 ohm (but not zero).
Using a digital multimeter, touch one test lead to the
hold coil terminal and the other test lead to the fuel stop
solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 36). The resistance of the
hold coil should be approximately 15 ohms.
If resistance  of either coil is  incorrect, replace fuel
stop solenoid.
Connect wire  harness connector to  fuel stop sole-
Electrical System
Page 5 – 26
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
Product Specification
CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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