Toro 07150SL Groundsmaster 7200 7210 Service Manual

D. Loosen  hose clamp and disconnect  fuel supply
hose from strainer (outlet) fitting on fuel tank.
E.  Lift left side fuel tank from machine.
4.  To remove right side (RH) fuel tank:
Use caution when storing or handling diesel fuel.
Do not smoke while filling the fuel tank. Do not fill
fuel tank while engine is running or hot or when
machine is in an  enclosed area. Always fill fuel
tank outside and clean up any spilled diesel fuel
before starting the engine. Store fuel in a clean,
safety–approved  container   and  keep   cap   in
place. Use diesel fuel for the engine only; not for
any other purpose.
A.  Loosen hose  clamp and  disconnect vent  hose
from fitting on RH fuel tank.
IMPORTANT: When   removing   right  side   fuel
tank, take care to not damage wire harness, elec-
trical components or throttle cable.
B.  Loosen two (2) latches and remove control panel
access cover. Position cover away from RH fuel tank.
Check Fuel Lines and Connections
Check fuel lines and connections periodically as recom-
mended in the Operator’s Manual. Check lines for dete-
rioration,   damage,  leakage   or   loose   connections.
Replace fuel lines, clamps and connections as needed.
C. Remove five (5) flange head screws that secure
control panel to RH fuel tank. Carefully position con-
trol panel away from RH fuel tank.
D. Loosen and remove two (2) clamps (item 22) that
secure RH fuel tank to frame.
Drain and Clean Fuel Tank
Drain and  clean  the fuel  tank periodically  as  recom-
mended in the Operator’s Manual. Also, drain and clean
the fuel tank if the fuel system becomes  contaminated
or if the machine is to be stored for an extended period.
E.  Loosen and remove cap  screw (item 13), three
washers (items 36,  26 and 37),  and flange nut
(item 28) that secure RH fuel tank to frame. Locate
and retrieve spacer (item 19).
To clean fuel tank, flush tank out with clean diesel fuel.
Make sure tank is free of all contaminates and debris.
F.  Loosen  hose clamp and disconnect  fuel supply
hose from strainer (outlet) fitting on fuel tank.
Fuel Tank Removal (Fig. 7)
G. Lift RH fuel tank from machine.
Park machine on a level  surface, lower cutting unit
(outlet) fitting  from  fuel tank.  Clean strainer  with  low
pressure compressed air (50 PSI maximum pressure).
If necessary, loosen hose clamp and remove strainer
(or implement), stop engine, engage parking brake and
remove key from the ignition switch. Unlatch and raise
hood and operator seat.
Fuel Tank Installation (Fig. 7)
NOTE:  The fuel  tanks  on Groundsmaster  7200  and
machines are connected to a common tee–fitting
If strainer (outlet) fitting was removed from fuel tank,
(item 7) under the seat. If either of the fuel tanks are to
be removed from the machine, make sure that fuel is re-
moved from  both tanks before disconnecting  any fuel
clean threads and  apply Loctite 30558 thread  sealant
(or equivalent) to threads of fitting. Install fitting into fuel
tank. Install and torque hose clamp from 12 to 15 in–lb
to 1.6 N–m) to secure fitting in tank.
fuel tanks.
Use a fuel  transfer pump to remove fuel  from both
Position fuel tank to the machine.
spacer, cap screw, three (3) washers (items 36, 26 and
Secure tank to frame with two (2) clamps (item 22),
To remove left side fuel tank:
and flange nut.
A.  Loosen hose clamps and disconnect fuel return
and vent hoses from fittings on left side fuel tank.
Connect removed hoses to fuel tank fittings. Secure
hoses with hose clamps.
B.  Loosen and remove two (2) clamps (item 22) that
secure fuel tank to frame.
If right side fuel tank was removed, carefully position
control panel to fuel tank and secure with five (5) flange
head screws. Install control panel access cover and se-
cure with two (2) latches.
C. Loosen  and remove cap screw  (item 27), three
washers (items  36, 26  and 37) and  flange nut
(item 28) that secure fuel tank to frame. Locate and
retrieve spacer (item 25).
Lower and secure hood and  operator seat. Fill fuel
Groundsmaster 7200/7210
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Kubota Diesel Engine
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CategoriesLawn Mower Manual, Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals, Toro Sprinkler and Irrigation Manuals
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- 226 pages
Document TypeService Manual
Product BrandToro. Customer Service Representatives are available by phone: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT) - Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (CDT)
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